Common Mistakes Sellers Make
May 19, 2012Selling and buying Boston luxury condos is an emotional process. At the same time, it is a business transaction and sellers shouldn’t lose sight of that fact. Sellers have to price their homes for sale in Boston carefully. An experienced agent will provide comparable sales data. Based on the competition and the history of comparable units, the agent will suggest a fair selling price and it is to the seller’s best interest to listen to the advice of the professional agent.
Some advice for sellers with homes for sale in Boston:
- Pricing a property too high can result in the property not selling. Additionally, if a Boston luxury condo stays on the market too long, it becomes stale. Remember, you own the home, but you’re not married to it. If you are serious about selling, look at the comparable sales and listen to your agent. Some agents may get over zealous and suggest a higher selling price simply to get the client’s business. Don’t fall for that.
- Too much clutter can distract from the property. It is your home and it’s normal that you don’t see the clutter. Staging the space makes a world of difference - even if it’s not your taste and doesn’t go with your life style - it is temporary and it will help sell Boston luxury condos.
[caption id="attachment_632" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Nicely Staged Home at 247 Comm Ave"]
- Do not reject the first decent offer, even if it’s not full asking price, simply because you’re holding out for a better one. Keep in mind that a better offer may NEVER come. Work with the bird in hand. I’ve seen so many sellers who wished they had negotiated with the first offer.
Some important points to keep in mind when listing your homes for sale in Boston. Contact me and discuss how to fairly price your home.