
The latest from Lili about Boston Real Estate.

    Looking Beyond Your Comfort Zone

    April 22, 2017 |

    Boston luxury real estate buyers are finally breaking out of their comfort zone and getting more adventurous. I was working with luxury property buyers who wouldn’t look beyond Back Bay/Beacon Hill regardless of how much I tried to familiarize them with other Boston neighborhoods. Now, I am seeing Boston luxury home buyers are open to changing their focus and exploring other areas like the Seaport, South Boston or Midtown. Regardless of how focused they were in the past, they are changing gear and are open to a whole new world that was closed to them before.

    At last, the Boston luxury home buyers are listening, whether word is spreading through the media or their circle of friends. They are willing to explore and take the initial step to broaden their horizon. I have buyers looking at Boston luxury real estate properties in the Back Bay ONLY. It was a pleasant shock to me when they mentioned that they wanted to see lofts in the Seaport. Hoorrrraaayyyy!

    Whether they will like it or not is a different story, but it is very positive that they are becoming more receptive to the idea that there’s another world out there. There are fabulous and cool residences, new or refurbished, in South Boston and the Seaport that most buyers not looking in those areas don’t know about. The reaction of some Boston luxury real estate buyers is priceless. It’s like taking a kid to a candy factory. They are amazed at layouts, amenities, finishes, some ultra-contemporary homes and others a combination of modern and traditional.

    I have been trying to convince buyers to look outside of the box for years, but for most part, buyers are afraid of venturing out of their comfort zone. UNTIL their social circle starts talking about different Boston neighborhoods, and then they feel comfortable. An experienced, strong real estate agent should be knowledgeable enough to guide buyers through a home search in a variety of neighborhoods.


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