
The latest from Lili about Boston Real Estate.

    Mass. Higher Education: Not the Rowdiest, but Exemplary Education

    October 28, 2012 |

    The annual school rankings from Princeton Review’s were recently released with information about higher education and lists of the best ranked schools academically and socially. It’s no surprise that Mass. schools didn’t make the list of top 20 party schools. Thank God, we don’t have the reputation for most rowdy and highest drunkard rate.

    Boston Real Estate Appeals to International  Families
    Even though we don’t throw the most parties, Greater Boston schools are always among the top ranked nationally for education -- that’s why we are seeing higher enrollment in schools across the state. Enrollment has recently increased from overseas families who want a better education for their children. They decide to invest in Boston real estate to provide stellar education opportunities for their kids.

    A few years ago, it was typical to see foreign students in higher education institutions, but now we are seeing more and more international families enrolling their children in Mass. schools K-12. Granted, more and more are looking into the elite schools or boarding schools instead of public institutions. However, many families are simply buying a Boston home in more affluent neighborhoods based on the area’s very strong school system. It is more and more common to see “bi-continent “families now - where one parent lives with their kids here while they attend school and the other parent remains overseas.

    The result is a great source of income for the Mass, both for educational institutions and the local real estate industry. I personally have seen an increase in Boston real estate sales due in some part to families from overseas who are motivated to move here for education opportunities. These international buyers look to real estate professionals for help in finding the right schools for their kids.

    Interested in Boston homes for your family? Contact me to make sure you’re looking in the right areas for a superior academic experience.


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